Eva Eckert

prof. doc. Eva Eckert, Ph.D.


position: external instructor at Charles University

research foci: sociolinguistics, Texan Czech, language contact and language death, migration

e-mail: eeck233[at]gmail.com

web: https://www.aauni.edu/directory/eva-eckert/


Courses taught at the Department of Linguistics


Monographs and edited volumes:

  • 2022 Letters in chronicling migration and integration: Usadil by se kdekoli mezi krajany našímy… ‘I’d settle anywhere among our natives…’, Bloomington: Slavica Publishers, Inc.
  • 2007 Stones on the Prairie: Acculturation in America, Bloomington: Slavica Publishers, Inc.
  • 2004 Kameny na prérii: Čeští vystěhovalci v Texasu, Dějiny a současnost, Praha: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny.
  • 1993 Varieties of Czech: Studies in Czech Sociolinguistics, editor and author, Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi Editions.

Journal articles, articles in edited volumes and encyclopedias:

  • 2021 Codeswitching, in Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics, Brill.
  • 2021 Accommodation and adaptation, in Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics, Brill.
  • 2019 Letters Sustaining Cross-Atlantic Migrations: From Frenštát, Moravia to Frenstat, Texas in the Decades Following the Civil War. Český lid 106, 205–228.
  • 2018 Immigration, Language, and Conflicting Ideologies: The Czech in Texas. In: Brunn S., Kehrein R. (eds) Handbook of the Changing World Language Map, Springer.
  • 2017 The Power of Language, Learning and Socialization: Romani and Ebonics, Journal of Language, Identity, and Education 16:1, 45-58.
  • 2017 Atrofie. In Karlík P., Nekula M. 7 J. Pleskalová (eds.), Nový encyklopedický slovník češtiny – komplet [New encyclopedic dictionary of Czech], Praha: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny.
  • 2017 Czech Language in the U.S. In Marek Nekula (ed.), Encyclopedia of Czech Language, Brno: Masarykova Univerzita.
  • 2016 Romani in the Czech Sociolinguistic Space. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 238, Routledge Publ., 59-83.
  • 2016 Multilingualism and minorities in the Czech sociolinguistic space: Introduction, International Journal of the Sociology of Language 238, Routledge Publ., 1-14.
  • 2015 American Ethnicity and Czech Immigrants’ Integration in Texas: Cemetery Data, Journal Studia Migracyjne-Przeglad Polonijny 4.
  • 2015 Language planning for Romani in the Czech Republic. Current Issues in Language Planning 16, 1-2, 80-96.
  • 2012 Národ a jazyk: Migranti v americké společnosti. Lidé města/Urban People 14/1, 17-45.
  • 2012 Regionální rozvoj a český národ v Texasu v 19. st. XV. International Colloquium on Regional Sciences: Conference Proceedings. Brno: Masaryk University, 224-238.
  • 2010 Language Integration in Texas Czech Newspaper, In Krčmová, M. (ed.), Integration in Languages – Languages in Integration. Prague: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny, 201-215.
  • 2009 Vernacular Writing and a Sociolinguistic Change in the Texas Czech Community, by Eva Eckert and Kevin Hannan, Journal of Slavic Linguistics, 87-161.
  • 2008 Community “Translation” in the Immigrant Press. In C. Cravens, M. U. Fidler, S. C. Kresin, eds. Between Texts, Languages, and Cultures: A Festschrift for M. H. Heim. Bloomington: Slavica Publ, 81-95.
  • 2005 Držte se našeho Texasu: Texaští Češi, jazyk a národnost komunity, Dějiny a současnost 9, 28-31.
  • 2003 Life of a Language in Emigration: Taking the National Revival a Step Further, From the Czech Lands to Texas, Linguistics: American Contributions to the 13th International Congress of Slavists in Ljubljana, Slavica Publishers, 37-50.
  • 2002 Variabilita, kontakt a rozklad: Jazyk náhrobních nápisů, Časopis pro moderní filologii, 84, 1.
  • 2002 Language Variation, Contact and Shift in Tombstone Inscriptions, in Where One’s Tongue Rules Well: A Festschrift for Charles E. Townsend, Indiana Slavic Studies 13, Slavica Publ., 193-213.
  • 2002 From Moravia to Texas: Immigrant Acculturation at the Cemetery, Markers XIX, 174-211.
  • 2001 Po stopách českých vystěhovalců do Texasu, Český lid 3, 88, 222-264.
  • 2001 Gravestones and the Linguistic Ethnography of Czech-Moravians in Texas, Markers XVIII, 146-190.
  • 1999 Language Variation in an Immigrant Community: Language and Community Maintenance, Brown Slavic Contributions XI: Modern Czech Studies, 11-37.
  • 1996 A Few Remarks on Spoken Czech and Russian, Language and Linguistics III: Papers in Slavonic Linguistics, 73-88.
  • 1991 Prefixed Motion Verbs of Coming and Leaving in Standard and Spoken Czech as Compared to Russian, Studies in West Slavic and Baltic Linguistics, ed. A.A. Barentsen, 85-105.
  • 1990 Simplification in Transplanted Languages: A Study of Motion Verbs in American Czech, Review of Applied Linguistics 87-88, 95-119.
  • 1990 Expressing Motion in Spoken Russian and Czech, in Topics in Colloquial Russian XII, Slavic Languages and Literatures 11, New York: Peter Lang, 99-119.
  • 1989 Verbs of Motion in Standard and Spoken Russian and Czech, Russian Language Journal XLII, 85-107.
  • 1989 Standard and Common Czech: Attitudes and Usage, Bohemia 30, 1, 84-94.
  • 1988 First Generation American Czech: A Sociolinguistic Survey, Language Problems and Language Planning 12, 2, 97-109.
  • 1987 Lexicon of the First Generation American Czechs, Review of Applied Linguistics 76, 25-41.
  • 1985 Aspect in Repetitive Contexts in Russian and Czech, in The Scope of Slavic Aspect, UCLA Slavic Studies 12, Slavica Publ., ed. M. Flier & A. Timberlake, 169-180.
  • 1980 Elegies by Jiří Orten, co-translator of a Czech poetry book, Michigan Slavic Publications, Ann Arbor.