Marjolein Poortvlietpozice: čestá afiliace k UK oblasti odborného zájmu: rozhraní sémantiky a syntaxe, kopulové konstrukce, evidencialita/epistemičnost, gramatikalizace, sémantické změny, korpusová lingvistika, germánské jazyky e-mail: m.poortvliet[at] web: ORCID id: 0000-0001-5860-9992 |
2013-2018 Ph.D., Lingvistika, University of Oxford
2010-2012 M.Phil., Lingvistika, University of Oxford (Distinction)
2007-2010 B.A. (Hons.), Lingvistika/antropologie, UC Utrecht (Magna Cum Laude)
od 2021 University of Wolverhampton
2019-2021 postdoktorský vědecký pracovník, Ústav Obecné lingvistiky, Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy
2018-2019 akademický pracovník, Department of Literary Studies and Linguistics, University of Amsterdam
2017 Poortvliet, M. Proeven as an Acquired Taste: Semantic Change Among Gustatory Verbs, from Early Middle Dutch to Present-Day Dutch. In: Sander Lestrade and Bert Le Bruyn (eds.), Linguistics in the Netherlands 34, pp. 111-126. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
2017 Poortvliet, M. The Grammaticalization of Dutch klinken. Journal of Historical Linguistics 7(1/2), pp. 190-212. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
2016 Poortvliet, M. Copy Raising in English, German and Dutch: Synchrony and Diachrony. Journal of Germanic Linguistics 28(4), pp. 370-402. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2015 Poortvliet, M. An LFG approach to Nested Dependencies in Dutch. In: Butt, Miriam and Tracy Holloway King (eds) Proceedings of the LFG2015 Conference, Waseda University, Tokyo. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.
2019 Poortvliet, M. There seems to be one path. To be presented at Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop, University of Konstanz, 14/6/2019
2019 Poortvliet, M. A CxG Approach to Germanic Copularization. Presented at Linguistics Prague, Charles University, 25/4/2019
2019 Poortvliet, M. The Grammaticalization of Copular Construction: a CxG analysis. Poster presented at the ECR PhilSoc Conference, University of Oxford, 9/3/2019
2019 Poortvliet, M. A CxG Approach to Germanic Copularization. Presented at Syntax Working Group, University of Oxford, 6/3/2019
2018 Poortvliet, M. The Effect of Topicality on Dutch Direct Object Scrambling: Evidence from Acceptability Judgments. Presented at Grammar and Cognition, University of Amsterdam, 26/10/2018.
2017 Poortvliet, M. Proeven as an Acquired Taste: Semantic Change Among Gustatory Verbs, from Early Middle Dutch to Present-Day Dutch. Presented at AVT TIN 2017, University of Utrecht, 4/2/2017.
2018-2019 University of Amsterdam
Introduction to Linguistics
Language Change and Variation (Graduate Course)
Introduction to Linguistics
Dutch Syntax
Language Change and Development
2013-2018 University of Oxford
Grammatical Analysis: Syntax and Morphology
General Linguistics
2014-2016 Travel Grants, University of Oxford £2,100
2013-2016 PDS Award, University of Manchester (declined) £44,178
2013-2016 AHRC Studentship, University of Manchester (declined) £12,000
2013-2015 AHRC Studentship, University of Oxford £13,118
2013-2015 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds €10,000
2013 Dr. Hendrik Muller’s Vaderlandsch Fonds €5,000