Mgr. Viktor Elšík, Ph.D.
position: lecturer | deputy chair
research foci: linguistic typology, historical linguistics, contact linguistics, morphology, Romani
e-mail: viktor.elsik[at]ff.cuni.cz
office hours: MO 13.00-14.00 P419b; after prior appointment via e-mail
ORCID id: 0000-0001-8881-8648 |
Academic CV
(detailed CV [pdf])
- 2007: PhD degree in General linguistics, Charles University in Prague
- 1999: MA degree in Linguistics and Phonetics and Czech Language and Literature, Charles University in Prague
- 2004–: Research Assistant at the Department of Linguistics (until 2012 called Institute of Linguistics and Finno-Ugric Studies), Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague
- 1998–2004: Research Assistant and Research Associate (since 2001) at the Department of Linguistics, University of Manchester
International experience
- 1998–2004: University of Manchester: employment
- 2001: University of Constance: one-month research stay
Grants awarded
- 2001–2002: Linguistic Research on Šóka Romani, supported by Roma Culture Initiative, Open Society Institute, Budapest: code B0862 (15,848 USD)
- 2008–2010: Borrowing and Diffusion of Grammar: Czech and Slovak Romani in Contact, supported by GA ČR – Czech Science Foundation: code GA405/08/0513 (1,495,000 CZK)
- 2011–2013: The Linguistic Atlas of Central Romani, supported by GA ČR – Czech Science Foundation: code P406/11/0818 (2,841,000 CZK)
Further research projects
- 1998: The Morphosyntactic Typology of Romani Dialects, directed by Dr. Yaron Matras (University of Manchester): Research Assistant
- 1999–2000: The Morphosyntactic Typology of European Romani Dialects, directed by Dr. Yaron Matras (University of Manchester): Research Assistant
- 2000–2001: Suppletion in Personal Pronouns, directed by Prof. Nigel Vincent (University of Manchester): Research Assistant
- 2001–2004: The Morphosyntactic Typology of European Romani Dialects: Database Enhancement, directed by Prof. Yaron Matras (University of Manchester): Research Associate
- 2002–: ROMLEX (Romani Lexical Database), directed by Prof. Yaron Matras (University of Manchester), Dr. Dieter Halwachs (Universität Graz) and Dr. Peter Bakker (Aarhus Universitet): external participan
- 2003–2004: Support Elicitation Scheme, directed by Prof. Yaron Matras (University of Manchester): regional coordinator for the Czech Republic and Slovakia
- 2004–2010: Loanword Typology: toward the Comparative Study of Lexical Borrowability in the World’s Languages, directed by Prof. Martin Haspelmath and Dr. Uri Tadmore (Max-Planck-Institut für evolutionäre Anthropologie, Leipzig): external participant
- 2006. [Elšík, Viktor] – Matras, Yaron. Markedness and language change: The Romani sample. (= Empirical Approaches to Language Typology, 32.) Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter. xxiv + 475 pp.
Edited volumes
- 2000. [Elšík, Viktor] – Matras, Yaron (eds.) Grammatical relations in Romani: The noun phrase. (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 211.) Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- 2020. Romano džaniben 27(1). Editor of special issue.
- 2008. Review of [Angăčev, Ilija. Kratka morfologija na ciganskija dialekt na Ljaskovec (A brief morphology of the Gypsy dialect of Ljaskovec). Edited by Birgit Igla. Veliko Tărnovo: Faber 2008.] Romani Studies 5, 18: 12–16.
- 2007. Review of [Anna Rácová & Ján Horecký. Slovenská karpatská rómčina: opis systému. Bratislava: Veda 2000. / Anna Rácová & Ján Horecký. Syntax slovenskej karpatskej rómčiny. Bratislava: Iris 2006]. Slovo a slovesnost 68(4): 311–314.
- 2006. Review of [Norbert Boretzky & Birgit Igla. Kommentierter Dialektatlas des Romani. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2004]. Romani Studies 5, 16(1): 105–111.
- 2006. Review of [Barbara Schrammel, Dieter W. Halwachs & Gerd Ambrosch. General and Applied Romani Linguistics. Lincom 2005]. The Linguist List, 6 March 2006.
- 2001. Review article of [Halwachs, Dieter W. Amaro vakeripe Roman hi – Unsere Sprache ist Roman. Text, Glossar und Grammatik der burgenländische Romani-Variante. Klagenfurt: Drava 1998]. Romani Studies 5, 11(1): 53–66.
- 1998. Review of [Romani Patrin 1:1, 1998. Oberwart: Verein Roma]. Romano džaniben 5(3): 89–91.
- 1998. Halwachsův popis burgenlandské romštiny. Romano džaniben 5(3): 24–29.
- 1997. Romistické práce Yarona Matrase. Romano džaniben 4(3–4): 173–178.
- 1997. Review of [Matras, Yaron. Untersuchungen zu Grammatik und Diskurs des Romanes. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 1994]. Romano džaniben 4(1–2): 93–97.
Other academic publications
- 2016. [Elšík, Viktor] – Hajská, Markéta – Ort, Jan. Slovník olašské romštiny. First edition. Charles University in Prague.
- 2011. Kubaník, Pavel – [Elšík, Viktor] – Skočovská, Markéta. Multidialektní slovník romštiny (MULTILEX). First edition. Charles University in Prague.
- 2009. Selice Romani vocabulary. In: Haspelmath, Martin – Tadmore, Uri (eds.) World Loanword Database. Munich: Max Planck Digital Library. 1734 word entries.
- 2008. Linguistic questionnaire for the documentation of Central European Romani. First edition. Charles University in Prague.
- 2008. Ethnographic questionnaire for the documentation of Central European Romani. First edition. Charles University in Prague.
- 2001. Matras, Yaron – [Elšík, Viktor] – Hiietam, Katrin – Schubert, Christa – Schrammel Barbara –Sechidou, Irene. Romani dialectological questionnaire. First edition. University of Manchester.
Non-academic / popular presentations
- 2016. Lav pal o lav / Slovo o slově: Voďi „duše“. Romano voďi, no. 1–2.
- 2016. Lav pal o lav / Slovo o slově: „Národ“ v romštině. Romano voďi, no. 3.
- 2016. Lav pal o lav / Slovo o slově: „Žena“ v romštině. Romano voďi, no. 4.
- 2016. Lav pal o lav / Slovo o slově: Nová slova v romštině. Romano voďi, no. 5.
- 2016. Lav pal o lav / Slovo o slově: Policajti a náckové. Romano voďi, no. 6.
- 2016. Lav pal o lav / Slovo o slově: Číst, psát a počítat. Romano voďi, no. 7–8.
- 2016. Lav pal o lav / Slovo o slově: „Vyšlý nahoru“ a běh jako mizení. Romano voďi, no. 9.
- 2016. Lav pal o lav / Slovo o slově: Romské číslovky. Romano voďi, no. 10.
- 2016. Lav pal o lav / Slovo o slově: Obydlí a osady. Romano voďi, no. 11.
- 2016. Lav pal o lav / Slovo o slově: „Dítě“ v romštině. Romano voďi, no. 12.
- 2011. Tváře romštiny. Romano voďi, no. 9, April: 17¬–18.
- 2006. Je romština jazykem Romů? Host: měsíčník pro literaturu a čtenáře, no. 4: 18–19.
- 2005. Romové, etnicita a radikální konstruktivisté. Literární noviny, no. 21, 23 May: 6 // Demografie, www.demografie.info (ISSN 1801-2914), 2005.
- 2005. Zemřela Milena Hübschmannová – Romka srdcem. Literární noviny, no. 38, 12 September: 2.
International academic conferences
- 2020. Onomasiological nominalized genitives in Romani. 14th International Conference on Romani Linguistics, Belgrade, 11 September.
- 2019. Devolitive necessitive modals in Romani. Romani Studies Conference 2019, Reykjavík, 16 August.
- 2018. Iotation and its morphophonological effects in a Romani variety. 13th International Conference on Romani Linguistics, Paris, 13 September.
- 2017. The development of additive numerals in Romani: Indo-Aryan heritage and language contact. 2017 Annual Meeting of the Gypsy Lore Society, Nicosia, 30 August.
- 2016. Coordination in Central Romani: overview, patterns, and borrowing hierarchies. 12th International Conference on Romani Linguistics, Stockholm, 15 September.
- 2014. Linguistic Atlas of Central Romani: dialectological patterns and their non-linguistic relevance. 2014 Annual Meeting of the Gypsy Lore Society, Bratislava, 11 September.
- 2014. Multal and paucal quantifiers in Central Romani. 11th International Conference on Romani Linguistics, Oslo, 16 September.
- 2012. North Central Romani of Poland: a dialectological overview. 10th International Conference on Romani Linguistics, Barcelona, 5 September.
- 2011. The Linguistic Atlas of Central Romani. 2011 Annual Meeting of the Gypsy Lore Society, Graz, 1–3 September.
- 2010. The Linguistic Atlas of Central Romani. 9th International Conference on Romani Linguistics, Helsinki, 2–4 September. [poster]
- 2008. [Elšík, Viktor] – Bodnárová, Zuzana. Versend Romani: the dialectological position of a South Central dialect of southern Hungary. 8th International Conference on Romani Linguistics, Sankt Peterburg, 4–6 September.
- 2006. Romani dialectology of a microregion: the “transitional” North-South Central Romani dialects of Gemer, Slovakia. 7th International Conference on Romani Linguistics, Prague, 14–16 September.
- 2004. Unusual features in Šóka Romani: Associative and ostensives. International Colloquial on Romani Linguistics. Graz, 11–13 November.
- 2003. Borrowing hierarchies in morphology: the Romani sample. The 17th International Congress of Linguists. Prague, 24–29 July.
- 2003. A morphosyntactic database of Romani dialects. The 17th International Congress of Linguists, workshop Databases in Typological and Cross-Linguistic Research. Prague, 24–29 July.
- 2003. Number suppletion in personal pronouns. Case Studies in Paradigm Irregularity. Manchester, 10–12 April.
- 2002. The synchrony and diachrony of vowel length in Šóka Romani. The 6th International Conference on Romani Linguistics. Graz, 12–14 September.
- 2002. [Elšík, Viktor] – Matras, Yaron. Romani morphosyntactic database. The 6th International Conference on Romani Linguistics. Graz, 12–14 September.
- 2001. The morphosyntactic typology of Romani dialects: database enhacement project. The 4th International Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology. Santa Barbara, 19–22 July. [poster]
- 2000. Inherited indefinites in Romani. The 5th International Conference on Romani Linguistics. Sofia, 14–16 September.
- 1998. Romani nominal paradigms: their structure, diversity, and development. The 4th International Conference on Romani Linguistics. Manchester, 2–5 September.
- 1997. [Elšík, Viktor] – Hübschmannová, Milena – Šebková, Hana. (Observations on) Slovakia -ahi Romani varieties and their speakers. Symposium Roma in Österreich. Vienna, 21–22 November.
- 1996. Agglutinative and inflective features of the Slovak-and-Czech Romani. The 3th International Conference on Romani Linguistics. Prague, 5–7 December.
International academic workshops and seminars
- 2019. Borrowing of degree affixes in Central European Romani. Tracking Down Linguistic Convergence: Contact Languages in Eastern Central Europe, Workshop 2, Prague, 25 October.
- 2019. Atlas of Central Romani. Summer School of Linguistics, Kroměříž, 11 August.
- 2016. Romani dialectology. 1st NAIRS (= Network of Academic Institutions in Romani Studies) Summer School for PhD students, Senec, 23 August.
- 2015. Suppletion in personal pronouns: conceptual and methodological issues. Diachrony and suppletion, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, 25 September.
- 2011. The Indo-Aryan heritage in Romani. Public lecture, University of Ghent, 18 October.
- 2011. Romani language as evidence for the history and culture of the Romani language. Public lecture, University of Ghent, 18 October.
- 2011. Romani in Slovakia in public and formal domains. Romani teacher’s seminar, Oulu, 13 October.
- 2011. The dialectology and structure of Slovak Romani. Romani teacher’s seminar, Oulu, 13 October.
- 2011. The Roms of Slovakia: a brief introduction. Romani teacher’s seminar, Oulu, 12 October.
- 2011. Language shift and maintenance among the Roms of Slovakia. Romani Studies seminar, University of Helsinki, 11 October.
- 2011. The linguistic situation in Slovakia. Romani Studies seminar, Research Institute for the Languages of Finland & University of Helsinki, 10 October.
- 2008. Language shift and maintenance among the Roms of Slovakia. Institutul pentru Studierea Problemelor Minorităţilor Naţionale, Cluj-Napoca, 12 July.
- 2008. Romani in Slovakia in formal and public domains. Institutul pentru Studierea Problemelor Minorităţilor Naţionale, Cluj-Napoca, 12 July.
- 2007. Borrowing quirks: a case study on Hungarian Rumungro. Multi-disciplinary and cross-national approaches to Romany studies – a model for Europe, Central European University, Budapest, 2–20 July.
- 2007. Romani and language contact. Multi-disciplinary and cross-national approaches to Romany studies – a model for Europe, Central European University, Budapest, 2–20 July.
- 2007. Romani dialectology of a microregion: the “transitional” North-South Central Romani dialects of Gemer, Slovakia. Multi-disciplinary and cross-national approaches to Romany studies – a model for Europe, Central European University, Budapest, 2–20 July.
- 2007. Romani language as evidence for the history for the history and culture of Romani speakers. Multi-disciplinary and cross-national approaches to Romany studies – a model for Europe, Central European University, Budapest, 2–20 July.
- 2005. Grammatical borrowing in Rumungro. Grammatical and Lexical Borrowing Workshop, Manchester, University of Manchester, 30 September.
- 2005. Yaron Matras – [Elšík, Viktor]. De-constructing “markedness”. Linguistics and English Language Seminar. Manchester, 8 February.
- 2005. Body-related loanwords in Šóka Romani. Loanword Typology Workshop, Max-Planck-Institut für evolutionäre Anthropologie, Leipzig, 4 February.
- 2004. Loanwords in Romani. Loanword Typology Workshop, Max-Planck-Institut für evolutionäre Anthropologie, Leipzig, 1–2 May.
- 2001. Inflectional suppletion in 1st and 2nd person pronouns. Fachbereich Sprachwissenschaft, Konstanz Universität. Constance, 13 December.
- 2001. Morphosyntactic database of Romani dialects. Workshop Typological Database Project. Utrecht, 29–30 June.
- 2000. Suppletive patterns in 1st and 2nd person pronouns. Workshop Thruths about pronouns and how true they are? Constance, 15–16 December.
Domestic (Czech & Slovak) academic conferences
- 2015. Nutnostní modalita v romštině. Lingvistika Praha, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, 23 October.
- 2015. Asociativní plurál v maďarské romština. Lingvistické odpoledne na katedře obecné lingvistiky FF UP, Faculty of Arts, Palacký University, Olomouc, 13 May.
Domestic (Czech & Slovak) academic workshops and seminars
- 2019. Romská oikonymie a perspektivy jejího výzkumu. Akadémia rómskych štúdií = Akademie romských studií, 5. ročník. Ústav etnologie a sociální antropologie Slovenské akademie věd & Seminář romistiky Katedry středoevropských studií Filozofické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy, Praha, 28 November.
- 2019. Česká romština a bohemismy v ní. 40. studentský workshop Žďárek, Kostelec nad Černými lesy, 2 November.
- 2019. Morfologie lexikálních romismů (hlavně substantivních) ve světské češtině. Kruh přátel českého jazyka, Prague, 23 October.
- 2019. Morfologie lexikálních romismů (hlavně substantivních) ve světské češtině. 39. studentský workshop Žďárek, Kostelec nad Černými lesy, 11 May.
- 2019. Asociativní plurál v maďarské romštině: k přejímání gramatických kategorií. Pražský lingvistický kroužek, Prague, 18 February.
- 2015. Romská nářečí na Slovensku. Akadémia rómskych štúdií, Institute of Ethnology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, 11 November.
- 2015. Romská jména obcí na Slovensku. UNCE, Centrum pro výzkum kolektivní paměti, Charles University, Prague, 12 June.
- 2015. Kategorie pádu v romštině. Public lecture, Institute of the Czech Language, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno, 4 March.
- 2013. Smrt, přežívání ve skrytu a život po životě: důsledky historických traumat pro jazykovou situaci Romů. UNCE, Centrum pro výzkum kolektivní paměti, Charles University, Prague, 28 November.
- 2013. Synchronie a diachronie vokalické délky v selické romštině. 33. studentský workshop Žďárek, Litoměřice, 23 November.
- 2013. Relativita relativní analýzy pronominálního čísla. 32. studentský workshop Žďárek, Monínec, 11 May.
- 2013. Jazykový terénní výzkum: dialektologie romštiny. Fieldwork workshop, Lingvistika Praha, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, 5 April.
- 2013. Jazykový atlas centrální romštiny. Romistické utopie, Prague, 28 February.
- 2012. Atlas centrální romštiny. Lingvistická kolokvia, Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, 22 November.
- 2011. Lingvistická dokumentace středoevropské romštiny. Mezioborové přednášky z humanitních věd, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, 12 April.
- 2010. Romská příjmení. Romistické utopie, Prague, 16 November.
- 2010. Dokumentace a terénní výzkum romštiny. Letní škola lingvistiky, Dačice, 28 August.
- 2009. Gramatické a lexikální přejímání v romštině. Letní škola lingvistiky, Dačice, 16 August.
- 2009. Hovno. 25. studentský workshop Žďárek, Jilemnice, 29 May.
Non-academic / popular presentations
- 2016. Romština. Public lecture, Festival RomAcademy: Dny živé romštiny, Prague, 28 November.
- 2014. Romské dialekty u nás a ve světě. Public lecture, CROSS club, Prague, 4 March.
- 2012. Romština a její dialekty. Public lecture, Klub romských matek, Prague, 22 March.
- 2011. Romské dialekty u nás a ve světě. Public lecture, Muzeum romské kultury, Brno, March 2011.