research foci: usage-based linguistics, combining corpus linguistic and experimental methods, variation in grammatical constructions, within-category variation, frequency effects, language in aphasia
office hours: MO 10.00-11.00 P419a; after prior appointment via e-mail
ORCID id: 0000-0001-8220-2121
2023 Ph.D., General Linguistics, Faculty of Arts, Charles University
2014 Mgr., Czech language linguistics and Turkology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University
2012 Bc., General linguistics and Turkology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University
Research stays and visits
November 2018 – June 2019: visiting doctoral researcher, Department of English Language and Linguistics, University of Birmingham
October 2015 – March 2016: visiting doctoral student, Universität Potsdam
since 2019 Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Arts, Charles University
2015-2019 Department of Middle Eastern Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University
Current projects
Progres Q10 – Jazyk v proměnách času, místa, kultury. Under PI doc. P. Čermák
Past projects
2016-2017 Příprava kurzu „Aphasia: an introduction from a linguistic perspective“. PI 2015 Tvorba předmětu „Příprava úloh pro Českou lingvistickou olympiádu“. PI
2015 Příprava korpusu afatické řeči. PI
Láznička, M. Možnosti uplatnění lingvistické teorie v afaziologii na příkladu usage-based lingvistiky. Accepted for publication in Speciální pedagogika. Preprint
Láznička, M. Lingvistické úlohy jako prostředek poznávání lingvistické analýzy a jazykové rozmanitosti. Accepted for publication in Cizí jazyky. Preprint
Křivan, J & Láznička, M. 2018. Diachronní korpusová analýza: slovosled českých posesivních adjektiv uvnitř nominální fráze. Studie z aplikované lingvistiky/Studies in Applied Linguistics, 9 (zvláštní číslo): 42–65.
Láznička, M. 2016. Příprava korpusu afatické češtiny. Studie z aplikované lingvistiky/Studies in Applied Linguistics, 7: 184–187.
Láznička, M. 2014. Paul Broca: Poznámky k sídlu schopnosti mluveného jazyka následované pozorováním afémie (ztráty řeči) (translation). Studie z aplikované lingvistiky/Studies in Applied Linguistics, 2: 119–135.
Invited Talks
April 2018: Interní seminář Ústavu Českého národního korpusu: Afaziologie a korpusová lingvistika
October 2016: Kruh přátel českého jazyka: Korpus afatické češtiny: příprava a možnosti užití
October 2015: Lingvistika Praha: organizace workshopu Jazykové poruchy z obecnělingvistické perspektivy
March 2015: Kruh přátel českého jazyka: Česká lingvistická olympiáda (with V. Diatka)
Conference Presentations
August 2019: The 15th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Nishinomiya: Grammatical profiling of Czech nouns: what do cases tell us about nouns’ meaning (with V. Janda)
May 2019: The 7th Conference of the Scandinavian Association for Language and Cognition, Aarhus: poster Grammatical profiles of Czech nouns: case and gender
July 2018: 4th Usage-based Linguistics Conference, Tel Aviv: Frequency effects in Czech case homonymy
July 2017: The 14th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Tartu: Case homonymy in Czech: corpus data and sentence production
July 2017: The 14th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Tartu: Cognitive biases and individual constructions: the case of Czech possessive adjectives (with J. Křivan)
July 2017: The 3rd Usage-based Linguistics conference, Jerusalem: poster The ordering of main and temporal adverbial clauses in Czech
May 2017: XII. konference – neurogenní poruchy komunikace dospělých, Brno: Korpus češtiny v afázii: vývoj a možné aplikace
April 2017: Interakce v socio-kognitivní, antropologické a historické perspektivě, Praha: poster Ikoničnost a syntaktičnost ve větosledu českých časových vět
April 2017: 11th International Symposium on Iconicity in Language and Literature, Brighton: Iconicity and syntacticity in Czech temporal adverbial clauses
September 2016: Poznan Linguistic Meeting, Poznan: poster A corpus of Czech aphasic speech: development and possible applications
September 2016: 49th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Naples: Functional explanations of prenominal possessors in attributive possessive constructions: Dynamic evidence from Czech (with J. Křivan and E. Lehečková)
June 2016: 2nd Usage-based linguistics conference, Tel Aviv: poster Frequency-based grammatical profiles of Czech nouns (s E. Lehečkovou a V. Jandou)
November 2015: IV International Congress of Clinical Linguistics, Barcelona: poster Building a corpus of aphasic Czech
July 2015: 13th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Newcastle: Investigating distance iconicity in alienability marking: an artificial language learning study
May 2015: MiLanguage language spring school, Milan: poster Effects of tense iconicity in sentence processing
March 2015: 10th International Symposium on Iconicity in Language and Literature, Tübingen: Distance Iconicity in Possessive Constructions: An Artificial Language Learning Study
Summer schools
June 2019: Corpus Linguistics Summer School 2019, Birmingham
June 2019: Birmingham Statistics for Linguistics Summer School 2019, Birmingham
August 2017: The first summer school on statistical methods for linguistics and psychology, Potsdam
May 2015: MiLanguage language spring school, Milan
July 2012: Türkçe Yaz Okulu, Ankara – Edirne – Istanbul
Other activities
International conference Linguistics Prague, member of organizing committee